Mi Futuro is a one-of-a-kind home for disadvantaged university students in Mazatlan, Mexico. Un Futuro Mejor Inc., The Gems of Mazatlan and Fundacion Lansdown, A.C. are recognized charitable non-profit organizations in the USA, Canada and Mexico respectively. Together we opened Mi Futuro in 2019. The home is funded by Un Futuro Mejor Inc., The Gems of Mazatlan and individual sponsors and donors. We currently have 12 students living here while pursuing their post-secondary studies. The Gems of Mazatlan supports this home by helping to secure sponsors for each student, fundraising to cover shortfalls and maintenance work parties on site. To learn more, please visit https://mifuturoenmismanos.org/

Refugio Mazatlán is a free home for boys who are homeless, orphaned, neglected, abused, or who live in poverty. Refugio Mazatlán focuses on adolescents of middle school and high school age. The goal is to provide support for boys who might not otherwise be able to attend school. Refugio is staffed by professionals, with teachers to assist with homework and psychologists to offer therapy as needed. They provide a safe, nurturing environment for the boys to live in, as well as all the tools that are required for the teens to prosper and eventually become independent adults. Career mentoring is available for them, capabilities are assessed, and opportunities are provided for the boys to attend University or learn the trade or marketable skill of their choosing by moving into Mi Futuro. The Gems of Mazatlán supports this home by helping out with the infamous Party on the Patty'o, helping to coordinate a hot lunch program, organizing work parties to help maintain the property and raising funds and providing volunteers on other special projects as needed.

FloreSer is a home for teenage girls who have been victims of abuse and violence. It is the only one of its kind in the state, and one of the few in the country. Their mission is to provide the girls with a place where they feel safe and can grow with their dignity intact. In FloreSer, the girls continue with their studies, receive individual therapy, and are provided with outlets allowing them to develop to their full potential while living a healthy life full of possibilities. FloreSer IAP provides the tools and the opportunities to discover the means to a healthy and productive living, to develop untapped skills and foster talents that will allow the girls to become independent and autonomous. They will know that healthy relationships between boys and girls are possible, and there are respectful ways to earn money. They will have the opportunity to go to school or learn a profession; they will have a chance to see the future with hope and ambition. The Gems of Mazatlán helps this property with special projects and assists with fundraising for the maintenance of this property. We also help facilitate Canadian donations eligible for a tax receipt.

Casa del Mar is an organization that works with girls and adolescents who live or have lived in situations of vulnerability. They provide an environment of love and respect, safety, and effective participation. They carry out actions every day so that the girls acquire tools and develop skills that help them build and forge a future, where they can feel safe and independent. They have the honor of being the oldest NGO in the state of Sinaloa. For over 100 years, they have been a substitute home for minors at risk, developing in them abilities and skills that allow them to live a full and healthy life. The Gems of Mazatlán supports this home by funding a full time teacher, coordinating weekly work parties from November - March, raising funds for the Quinceanera celebrations, special projects as needed and as funds become available, assisting with fundraising for food and other supplies.

Ciudad de Los Ninos Orphanage (City of Children) was founded in 1970 by Padre Lucas Carvajal Lopez and is currently run by nuns belonging to the Institute of Missionary Sisters of the Christ Child. There are approximately 37 children and young people between the ages of 3 and 30 living at the orphanage. The young adults all have mental and/or physical challenges, which is why they are permitted to live at the orphanage beyond the typical 18-year period. The Gems of Mazatlán supports this home by funding a full time teacher, coordinating weekly work parties from November - March, funding the summer maintenance program to ensure the property doesn't grow over when we all head north, assisting from time to time with special projects and providing food and supplies.